3 days ago5 min readHOLIDAYSWhat Is Biblical Hope?We can rely on God more than on anything on which we normally set our hopes and dreams: our banks, governments, or even our loved ones.
Nov 214 min readETHICSTrump as WeatherMost of the rest of us, though, need to leave politics mostly alone as the social bloodsport it has become for far too many.
Nov 153 min readDEVOTIONALWisdom: Acquisition or Acquaintance?King Solomon remains a disquieting figure. The man who extended his father David’s kingdom to its maximum extent and enriched it to its...
John G. Stackhouse, Jr.5 min readHOLIDAYSWhat Is Biblical Hope?We can rely on God more than on anything on which we normally set our hopes and dreams: our banks, governments, or even our loved ones.
John G. Stackhouse, Jr. 3 min readDEVOTIONALSometimes You Need a Bowl of BloodThose of us who have been introduced to that Big Picture cannot any longer live as if we haven’t been.
John G. Stackhouse, Jr. 5 min readHISTORYThe Myth of "Many Christianities"The basic premise is what has been championed as the one true expression of Christianity is merely what imperial power has declared.
John G. Stackhouse, Jr. 4 min readHISTORYEvangelicalism: What Is It? And Who Cares?Does the term “evangelical” have any remaining usefulness, whether for historians and sociologists seeking to study a distinct population?
John G. Stackhouse, Jr. 4 min readBIBLEBiblical Language as Better than Scientific TerminologyAre there good reasons, therefore, why God inspired the Biblical writers to use metaphors when God can be presumed to understand science?
John G. Stackhouse, Jr. 5 min readDISCIPLESHIPWhat's Going on with Jamie?Jamie’s grandmother is concerned about him. Should she be? Jamie is fifteen, a good kid, average grades in school, middle child...