Resilience: A Fruit of the Spirit
Thoughts on
- 3 min
Pentecost: Third-Best Day!
What’s It Worth to You?
Practice Makes Perfect
"Be But Your Own True Friend"
O Come, Let Us Adore Him–If We Can Stand It
Eckhart Tolle: Does the Mask of "Stresslessness" Hide a Deep, Bitter Anger?
"Holy Post" in the National Post
"Zeitgeist the Movie": The New "Chariots of the Gods"
The Shack 4: Some Celebrations
The Shack 3: Theological Concerns (Part 2)
The Shack 2: Some Theological Concerns (Part 1)
The Shack 1: In Defense of Ideological Fiction
Be Loved to Love
The Privilege of Prayer
Evangelicals, Numbers, and Success
Oprah’s Secret: New? Old? Good? Bad?
Spirituality: Informal, implicit, invisible…
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